Sno Module Question Bank (Bharath Skills) Assessment Practical (Record Work) Theory (Record Work)
1 Install and setup operating system and related software in a computer following safety precautions. Test your knowledge Assessment - 1
Apply Safe Working Practice

1) Visit COPA Lab of the Institue and locate the electrical connections with computer setup

2) Identify Safety Symbols and hazard identification and practice safe methods of fire extinguishers.

3) Identify Computer peripherals and internal components and disassemble and assemble components of desktop computer

1) Safe Working Practice

2) Introduction to Computer Components
2 Module - 2. Test your knowledge Assessment - 1
Install and setup operating system and related software in a computer.

4) Practice on Windows Interface and navigating windows and practice on managing files and folders using drives
5)Customize the desktop settings and manage user accounts and view system properties and control panel details

Introduction to Windows Operating System
3 Module - 3. Test your knowledge Assessment - 1
Install and setup operating system and related software in a computer.

6) Install Windows Operating System
7)Install necessary application software for Windows and configure Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Settings
8)Burn data, video and audio files on CD/DVD using application software

Introduction to Windows Operating System
4 Module - 4. Test your knowledge Assessment - 1
Install and setup operating system and related software in a computer.

9)Use basic DOS commands for directory listing and manage files and folders using DOS Commands
10)Install Linux Operating System and use basic Linux commands for directory lising, file and folder management.

Introduction to DOS Command Line Interface

Linux Operating System

4 Module - 5. Test your knowledge Assessment - 1
Create, Format and edit document using Word processing application software

11) Navigate within documents, Format documents, Save and Share documents.
12)Inspect documents for issues, insert text and paragraphs, create and configure document sectons.

Word Processing Software

4 Module - 6. Test your knowledge Assessment - 1

Microsoft Excel

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