Exp-4 Ms-Dos Commands for COPA Trade - Practical

MSDOS - Commands 

Date:  To find the current date, MS-DOS provides DATE command



the current date is : Thu 03/03/2022

Enter the new date : (mm-dd-yy)

You can enter new date which will change your current system date

Time: To find the current time, MS-DOS provide the TIME commands


the current time is : 16:11:30.30

Enter the new time:

we can enter new time which will change your current system date

Cd (change directory): 

CD (change directory) is a command used to switch directories in MS-DOS. 

cd.. : Goes back one directory. For example, below you can see it goes back from Temp directory to Windows directory. 




Suppose you want to go to a specific directory and if you are in root directory you can go using following command. For example we want to switch to Desktop

Cd C:\Users\123\Desktop



C:\>cd users\vesrn\destop


Md (make directory): 

 It allows us to create your own directory in the specified drive. 

 Syntax is: md directory_name


Start: To open your folder using command simply type: Start directory_name

If we want to change ourself to another drive use following command: Simple type, d: for switching to D drive and e: for switching to E drive

Rd (remove directory): If you want to remove any directory from any drive use rd command. For example, in the below figure we want to remove DOS folder which is present in C drive, simple type: rd DOS (directory name)

 Path: Path is used to specify the location where MS-DOS looks when using a command

Chkdsk: Chkdsk is a utility that checks the computer’s hard drive status for any cross-linked or any additional errors with the hard drive. Run this command in administrative mode.

Copy: Allows you to copy one or more files to an alternative location. For example, if you want to copy abc.txt file from C:\Java folder to D drive, simple type following command: Firstly change your directory to Java folder using cd Java then type Copy abc.txt d:/ which will copy your file to drive.

Suppose if you want to copy all text file present in Java folder simple type: Copy *.txt d:/ which will copy all text file.

 Format:  Format is used to erase information of a computer diskette or foxed drive.  Syntax is: format drive_name

Defrag: It is a software utility capable of organizing and optimizing the files on the hard drive to improve system performance. Syntax is: defrag drive_name

Del: Del is a command used to delete files from the computer. For example, we want to delete all the temporary files present in Temp folder under Windows Directory from C drive. Syntax will be as follows: Del *.* which means files with any name and with any extension present in temp folder will be deleted.

 Move: Allows you to move file or directories from one folder to another or from one drive to another drive. For example, we want to move file called bootsqm from Users directory to video folder in D Drive

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