
File Management - Practical - 2

Windows File Management 1. Click the Windows Explorer button on the taskbar  The Windows Explorer window opens, displaying the contents of the Libraries folder. Windows 7 comes with four default libraries: Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos.  2. Point to Libraries, click the Expand indicator next to Libraries if necessary to expand the list, then click Documents in the Navigation pane under Libraries The contents of the Documents library folder open in our Windows Explorer window.  3. If we want to save our Data Files to a USB drive, make sure the USB drive where you store our Data Files is plugged into our computer, then click Computer in the Navigation pane The Computer window opens, displaying the contents of your computer, including all disk drives, removable storage devices, and network locations.  4. Click the drive where we store your Data Files The bottom pane of the Computer window changes to display details about the selected drive. This figure shows a USB drive labeled

CSS - Test - 1

 CSS - Test - 1 Dear Trainee! Now, write your Test and check your progress in CSS! Loading…

Assemble and DisAssemble Personal Computer - Practical - 1

 AIM : Assemble and DisAssemble Personal Computer  Apparatus : Screw Driver Kit Precautions:  1) Computer sholud be disconnected to powersupply and remove all power chords. 2) Wear gloves or keep hands dry. Procedure : 1) Open the Cabinet 2) I Identified some important parts of the computer, namely     a) SMPS - Switch Mode Power Supply - It is the power supply unit to all peripherals of the computer.     b) Mother Board - It is a basic main computer board. here I observed          1) RAM - Random Access Memory          2) ROM - Read Only Memory          3) CMOS Battery - Complementary Metal Oxide Semi Conductor - For saving BIOS Inoformation          4) RAM Slots          5) CPU Fan, and I noticed CPU under CPU Fan         6) I noticed all connectors like powersuppy, CPU Fan, Sound Speakers, Extenal USB Ports,      Mounted Ports, etc         7) Hard Disc         8) DVD drive I observed carefully these parts, and enjoyed the architecture. Now, I will assemble and disassemble the Person