
Web Designing course - HTML, CSS live classes

Dear Student! Now you can learn Web Designing course for free Course Contents: 1)Basics & HTML - Overview 2) Basic HTML - Tags 3)HTML Formatting 4) HTML - Images, Audio, Video 5) HTML - Tables 6) HTML - Lists 7) HTML - Links 8) HTML - Frames 9) HTML - Forms 10) CSS - Overview & CSS - Syntax 11) CSS - Elements 12) CSS - Images 13) CSS - Tables 14) CSS - Lists 15) CSS - Filters 16) Blog 17) Website -  18) Website -  19) Website - 20) Assessment Course Highlights : 1) Live class 2) Time : 9PM - 10PM (Monday to Friday) 3) througjh Freegurukul App 4) Certification 5) You can design Website and Blog after completion of course. For more Details : 9703508488 App Download Or htps:// What is a web design? Web design refers to the design of websites that are displayed on the internet. It usually refers to the user experience aspects of website development rather than software d...

PHP MYSQL - Operators - 5.8 Conditional Assignment Operators

  PHP Conditional Assignment Operators The PHP conditional assignment operators are used to set a value depending on conditions: Operator Name Example Result ?: Ternary $x =  expr1  ?  expr2  :  expr3 Returns the value of $x. The value of $x is  expr2  if  expr1  = TRUE. The value of $x is  expr3  if  expr1  = FALSE ?? Null coalescing $x =  expr1  ??  expr2 Returns the value of $x. The value of $x is  expr1  if  expr1  exists, and is not NULL. If  expr1  does not exist, or is NULL, the value of $x is  expr2 . Introduced in PHP 7 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <?php    // if empty($user) = TRUE, set $status = "anonymous"    echo $status = (empty($user)) ? "anonymous" : "logged in";    echo("<br>");    $user = "John Doe";    // if empty($user) = FALSE, set $status = "logged in"    echo ...

PHP MYSQL - Operators - 5.7 Array Operators

  PHP Array Operators The PHP array operators are used to compare arrays. Operator Name Example Result + Union $x + $y Union of $x and $y == Equality $x == $y Returns true if $x and $y have the same key/value pairs === Identity $x === $y Returns true if $x and $y have the same key/value pairs in the same order and of the same types != Inequality $x != $y Returns true if $x is not equal to $y <> Inequality $x <> $y Returns true if $x is not equal to $y !== Non-identity $x !== $y Returns true if $x is not identical to $y <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <?php $x = array("a" => "red", "b" => "green");   $y = array("c" => "blue", "d" => "yellow");   print_r($x + $y); // union of $x and $y ?>   </body> </html> Output: Array ( [a] => red [b] => green [c] => blue [d] => yellow ) Ex:2 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <?php $x = a...