Test Answers (HTML & CSS)

Test your knowledge (HTML & CSS) - 1

1) A document which can be displayed in a web browser is called

A) Webpage

2) A web service that helps you find other web pages is called

A) Search Engine

3) A collection of web pages which are grouped together and usually connected together in various ways is called

A) Website

4) A computer that hosts a website on the Internet is called

A) Web Server

5) HTML stands for

A) Hyper Text Markup Language

6) ________________refers to a word, phrase or chunk of text that can be linked to another document or text

A) Hypertext

7) List any three web browsers___________

A) Google Chrome, Mozila Firefox, Microsoft Edge

8) What is the extension name of HTML document

A) .html or .htm

9) Example of Text Editors

A) Notepad, Notepad++, Sublime Text

10) URL stands for

A) URL stands for

Test your knowledge (HTML & CSS) - 2

1) Choose odd one?

A) <hr>

2) Choose Odd one?

A) <body>

3) How many heading elements are in HTML?

A) 6

4) <body bgcolor="red"> here bgcolor is........

A) attribute

5) #123456 in hexa code 56 denotes which color

A) Blue

6) Size, Color, Width are attributes of

A) <hr>

7) Smallest heading element in html

A) <h6>

8) &nbsp; is used for

A) single space

9) <hr> and <HR> both are same?

A) Yes

10) bgcolor is used to apply background color to

A) both A & B

Test your knowledge (HTML & CSS) - 3 

1) Empty element is

 A) All

2) smallest font size is

A) <font size=1>

3) face, size, color these attributes are belongs to___element

A) <font>

4) "alt" is an attribe of ________ element

A) <img>

5) &nbsp; is for________

A) single space

6) &emsp; is for _________

A) four spaces

7) &ensp; is for______

A) two spaces

8) What are the attributes of <hr> ?

A) size, width, color

9) we can apply background image to webpage

A) Yes

10) We can apply border to image

A) Yes

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