PHP MYSQL - Softwares - 2
PHP - Softwares
1) What is XAMPP?
XAMPP is an open-source, cross-platform web server that consists of a web server, MySQL database engine, and PHP and Perl programming packages. It is compiled and maintained by Apache. It allows users to create WordPress websites online using a local web server on their computer. It supports Windows, Linux, and Mac.
It is compiled and maintained by apache. The acronym XAMPP stands for;
- X – [cross platform operating systems] meaning it can run on any OS Mac OX , Windows , Linux etc.
- A –Apache– this is the web server software.
- M – MySQL – Database.
- P – PHP
- P – Perl – scripting language
you can download here
2) Editors
Netbeans, Notepad++, Sublime Text Editor, etc
Watch Video here :
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