Exp - 8 Formatting text, inserting objects, tables, hyperlinks, autocorrect features, thesaurus, spelling and grammar for COPA Trade

 Formatting Text in MsWord

Open the document, and apply different formatting to selected text.

Bold : Select the text and apply Bold option, it results the text will display in boldness

Italic : it result the text will display italic formatting

Underline: Applies underline to selected text

Alignments: left, right, center, justify

Applying different font features: Font Color, Font Face, Font Size

Inserting Objects:

I am also inserting objects from my custom files to current document. like, Microsoft Equation, Bit map image e.t.c.,

Insert --> Objects --> Select Create new Tab or Create from file tab from dialogbox. 


I am also learned how to draw tables in Msword.

Select Insert Menu--->Choose Table option -- > Insert Table-->

Then a dialog box will appear, and I will give rows and columns from spinning boxes.

Inserting Hyperlink

Select the text and select Insert Menu -- > Links --> Hyperlink option.

Then dialog box will appear and select required file we want.

Auto correct Feature

Auto Correct feature corrects spellings, I noticed when I am typing "goood"  it automatically corrects the "good".

and I noticed we can also give our customized words. For example my name is Venu, when I typed Veenu, it automatically corrects the name as Venu.

Office Button-->Word Options --> Proofing --> Autocorrect Options --> give customized names


I am also observed ms word is a great dictionary it shows antonyms and synonyms to selected text.

Review -- > Proofing --> Thesaurus

Spelling and Grammar

I learned ms word could checks spelling and grammar.

Review --> Proofing --> Spelling and Grammar

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